The Philippines
SSHJM established a mission in Cebu City in 2000. Since then, SSHJM have worked with and supported some of the most vulnerable groups in the most impoverished and densely populated areas of the city.
About our work in The Philippines
SSHJM runs a Special Education (SPED) Centre which caters for 40 clients, aged 25-30, with neurodevelopmental disabilities, providing non-formal / alternative education, life skills, and livelihood skills and opportunities, all framed by a transition programme curriculum and care plan. The SPED Centre responds to the needs of marginalized young adults with developmental disabilities in collaboration with the Department of Education. As clients transition through the programme and are ready to enter the workforce, SSHJM link clients to private sector actors to provide employment and work experience.
SSHJM also run a Rehabilitation and Wellness Centre (RWC) which offers essential life-enhancing inclusive health and rehabilitation services, including physical and occupation therapy, in support of extremely vulnerable children with disabilities and the elderly with disabilities and acute health needs. The Centre provides holistic care to patients with a variety of conditions such as strokes, musculoskeletal conditions, cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus etc. The RWC also includes a home-based care programme where therapists and caregivers conduct regular home visits to the patients who are unable to travel to the RWC. The RWC serves 200 outpatients and 45 home-based care patients. SSHJM also reaches 500 individuals annually via community sensitization on disability inclusion.
SSHJM's work in the Philippines links to the following thematic areas